*rant on*

If you are one of the people who has read the biography of Steve Jobs, or at least part of it as it is rather long, you might have come across Jobs’ believe in only hiring A+ players. People that are better in certain areas than you are, so you can learn from them and to keep yourself on your toes.

The idea is nice. But reducing people down to a rating just isn’t fair. Ask every person on earth who ever received a grade for anything. It doesn’t pay justice to whatever that person might actually be able to contribute to society. Because in the end that is all that matters. A contribution to learning about our past, to running the now or to leaping into the future of humanity. We are all based off one and the same platform, so no one should ever have the right to demote or rise someone beyond others. Whatever the circumstances (See Andi Rubins statement in the GOracle case).

So someone might say how do you keep getting the right person for the job? How do you get the good people in a field? Well, not by looking at grades. The industrialization of education has to be reversed, stopped. We should now, in times of the rise of social, be more aware than ever that we are all human. Nothing more, nothing less. The solutions are out there somewhere. Let’s do what we do best: advance.

*rant off*